MVR Membership Application

 Please send us an email and we will send you an application to join.


You MUST also be a member of the AACA to join our Club ↓

Join the Antique Automobile Club of America

Click on the link above↑

Annual, Student and Junior Memberships in the AACA are open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique automobile hobby.
Ownership of an automobile is not a prerequisite of membership.

  • Annual Dues are $40.00 (includes spouse if applicable) – dues are bill annually – no pro-rating of dues.
  • Members receive bi-monthy issue of ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE magazine.
  • Members are eligible to join an AACA region and/or chapter.
  • Members can exhibit vehicles & compete for national prizes and annual awards.
  • Members receive limited free research by the AACA Library & Research Center staff.