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January – MVR will once again have a booth at the Annual Rod & Custom Show. Come visit us at the XPO in east Moline! Friday, January 17 – 1pm-8pm, Saturday, January 18 – 10am-8pm, Sunday, January 19 – 10am-3pm
FEBRUARY – Show and Tell, February 15th, Saturday at 11:30 a.m. at the Hickory Garden Restaurant, 3311 Hickory Grove Rd, Davenport. We will be ordering from the menu. Please bring along and share something that is special, interesting, or just fun to share. It does not have to be car related as we all have other interests and hobbies. Hope to see a nice turnout and an enjoy a delicious lunch in the warmth of friendship! Any questions, call Jan Brewer 563-340-8516.
MARCH – March 29 Saturday 10:00am Meet at Dahl’s Antique Garage Collection 5215 Grand Ave, Davenport. (East of Brady, south of 53rd.) We will be there for about an hour with Al Longmire who keeps all the cars in top shape ready to go at any time.
Then we will leave as a group on a drive thru the Village of East Davenport and end up at the Klemme Collection. We will be there for about an hour with Kraig Klemme in the old Firestone Building. (Pershing and 3rd St., Dav.)
From there we will caravan to Rob Wolfe’s Antique Petroleum & Car collection (America Pickers). There will be a vendor there selling Hot Dogs. Chips and lemonade will be furnished. (5th St. West of Brady, Dav.) Parking east and west of his building.
Time to get the old cars out for this first drive. Our hosts are interested in seeing our rides! Please stay as a group so we arrive when our hosts expect us.
Note: The Quad Cities Ford Club has invited us to join them for Breakfast at the Cracker Barrel at 8:30 on Brady Street in Davenport before meeting at Dahl.
Questions call John Brewer 563-370-6902
APRIL –The club will host a joint show with the Railroad Heritage of the Midwest museum at the old Rock Island Lines shop in Silvis, IL. The event is Saturday the 26th. More information to follow.