2022 Fall Central Nationals INDOOR Meet
Central Fall Meet Postcard 11.28 A
All vehicles entered in this event will be displayed and judged inside the Bend XPO so there will be no worries about weather being a problem.
Car Corral Registration Into Here,
Swap Meet Registration Info Here
We will be hosting several events as part of the meet that attendees are invited to attend. You can find information on those events HERE. This page was updated on 7/13/2022.
For those that are interested here is the link to the Hyatt hotels site that you can click so that you can make your reservation for this event.
You are also welcome to make reservations via phone by calling 309.755.6000 – press “1” to book new reservations at Hyatt Place and reference group “G-MRCC”. Please notice that your group block is in Hyatt Place and all reservation requests should be made for Hyatt Place.
Here is a picture of the hotel where the meet will be located.
Here is an overhead picture of the location where the meet will be located
This is a shot of the River Room where some of the events will be held
Local TV station WQAD presented a story abut one of the members 1922 R&V Knight that was manufactured in East MOLINE, IL. Click the photo below to take you to the story, or if for some reason that does not work than here is the link in clear text: WQAD Story on the 1922 R&V Knight
For those of you that are not familiar with what the Quad Cities area has to offer we have added a page with links to some of the attractions that are available for you to explore. Please click here.